For those in search of a new username for an online account, a random username generator can help. Whether you’re looking for a username for a new app, a social media account, a game (like Minecraft), or a more sensitive platform like a bank, the tool above is a good place to start.
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Why a random username generator is helpful
Heightened security
Using a random username as opposed to your real name is a great way to increase your online security. Many experts suggest using random, unique usernames for every account, but it’s not advice that many adhere to.
It saves time
This tool takes all of the time and hassle out of generating a username. You provide a few random words like a name, hobby, or product and you’ll get a list of possible usernames to choose from. The usernames that are listed are all available, so you don’t have to spend your time checking the availability of name after name. It provides a great starting point to select a username.
Get started with setup sooner
With random names generated, you’ll be able to review the list, pick one, and set up your new online or social media account within minutes. It’s an efficient use of time.
Why a good username is important
You might be wondering why so much thought goes into a username. After all, it’s just a name you’re using online, right? It’s true, but names matter. A public username, like those on your social channels, for example, is:
The first thing people see. A username offers a first impression so you want to make it good.
Associated with you or your brand. Whatever your username is, people will associate it with you or your company. You want the name to evoke a positive association, which is why it’s important to put some thought into it.
Not likely to change. While changing your username isn’t impossible, it’s not common. Most people pick a username and stick with it for consistency’s sake. All the more reason to make sure the name is a good one.
When you should use a username generator
Wondering when you should turn to a generating tool like this? People usually use this tool when they:
Are creating their first username
If you’re new to the world or social media accounts and online platforms, the username generator can provide a great list of possible names to consider.
Can’t find an available name
There are billions of registered usernames across multiple channels, so finding an available username can be tricky. When people have tried a number of different usernames and can’t seem to find one that’s available, they opt for a username generator. The list of possible names makes it easier to select a username and start setting up accounts.
Want some creativity
If you’re looking for a username that’s different from all the rest, a username generator is a great tool to use. If you aren’t keen on creating an Instagram or Facebook account that simply has your name as a handle, the generator can help. Type in a personality descriptor or a favorite hobby, for example, and create something truly unique.
Want accounts to have different usernames
To keep online accounts more secure, you might consider creating different usernames for every platform you use. For example, the username you use to login into your bank account versus those used to sign into social media platforms should be different.
What to do if your username is taken
If you’re still not thrilled with any of the username ideas that came from the generator, consider making some modifications to a few names to make them your own. You can:
Replace letters with a number of symbols. You can replace an ‘E’ with a 3, an ‘a’ with an @, an ‘S’ with a $, or an ‘I’ with an !. By making these small changes, you might be able to modify a name enough to make it both original and available.
Tack on a number. Why not go back to basics and try your name with a simple number added to it? Or look at the list of names generated by the tool, take one your like, and add a number to it. Be sure to use numbers that are meaningful to you, but aren’t a breach of your privacy. In other words, don’t use any numbers that are sensitive like your social security number, address, or full birth date.
Add words to the beginning. To make any name unique, you can add ‘I am’ to the beginning or add a prefix like ‘miss’ or ‘mr.’ Doing so could make a common name available. For example, BobSmith probably isn’t available, but I_AM_BobSmith or Mr_BobSmith might be.
Tips for creating a username
Personal vs. professional use
A public business username, like those on social media channels, should be professional. Start with words that describe your company, its products, and its values. If you’re looking for a personal username, you have some latitude. You can generate just about any kind of name that’s authentic to you and your life.
Keep it simple
Usernames should be no more than 30 characters. Remember, you can’t use spaces, which gives you quite a bit of room to work with.
Spelling should simple too
Some of the ideas generated might not be the easiest to spell or remember. Others need to recognize your username, so focus on ideas that are fairly straightforward, simple, and don’t include a lot of customized letters or symbols.
Hyphens or underscores are ok
Hyphens and underscores are often used to break up text. Since spaces aren’t allowed, these symbols are used instead. They’re okay to use, but don’t use too many.
What makes a good username?
The definition of a good username varies, but generally, you want something that’s catchy, descriptive, and authentic. It can be a challenge to do in 30 characters or less, but that’s why a username generator lets you brainstorm ideas with ease.
Should the same username be used across multiple platforms?
It all depends on what the username is for. If you’re creating a business username for social media accounts, having the same names across multiple channels provides consistency.
If you’re trying to create a username to access sensitive information like your bank account, medical records, investments, or your child’s school records, the usernames should be different. You want to build in as much security as possible and creating unique usernames and passwords – for every account – is the best way to do that.
It’s not uncommon for people to have the same username across personal social channels. Ultimately, the choice is yours. If you want your Snapchat username and Twitch handle to be one and the same, it’s up to you. While it’s easier to remember, it’s not as secure as creating separate usernames for each channel.
Is it common to get all usernames to be the same?
It is fairly common for people to use the same usernames for multiple accounts, from their bank account to their gamertag.
Should it be done? It all depends on the use. For security purposes, every username should be different. If you’re logging into something you don’t want others to see, use a unique username and password.
If it’s a public username, like one used on a social media site, that’s a little different. You have to weigh the benefits of consistency across the risks associated with cybersecurity.
Should domain names and social media usernames be the same?
Domain names and usernames don’t have to match, but many people make them similar. It’s easier to remember for both the business employees and the customers if both are similar.

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