TikTok launched in 2016 and has quickly become one of the most popular social network platforms around the globe. At the time of this post, the platform has 80 million active monthly users across iOS and Android and has evolved to where creators can monetize their content. If you’re trying to come up with a good TikTok name, you will want to put in the time to come up with a catchy name that is easy to remember and spread to others.
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Why a TikTok username generator is helpful
Aids in creativity
The amount of available usernames decreases as time goes on, which leaves people with name options that are less ideal. A name generator helps by combining several different words you are interested in to come up with a unique username.
Saves time
Coming up with a unique TikTok name that is available can take a ton of time since there are so many users around the globe. A name generator reduces the time to come up with a unique business name by doing the brainstorming work for you.
Target a specific audience
If you plan on focusing on a specific audience with your TikTok content, you will want to come up with a username that followers can identify with. A username generator can combine popular keywords that are used frequently in certain communities.
Avoid duplication
A name generator can also help give name suggestions that are unlikely to be too close to other names that are currently being used. Think about how frequently you think of a unique name for a business or product idea only to perform a Google search to see that the idea is already on the market. A name generator helps utilize artificial intelligence by using data to create names that would take hours to think of on your own and are less likely to be in use.
Things to consider when choosing the best Tik Tok name
Choose a memorable TikTok name
TikTok videos get redistributed across a variety of other social media platforms. You will want to choose a name that can be remembered and spelled easily so that your TikTok account can easily go viral. If you create a successful video and come up with a creative name it will be easier for people to remember and share with friends.
Pick a name that is brandable
TikTok has emerged into a very popular monetization platform for influencers and if you have aspirations of building a big following you will want to think about what brand names would be a good fit for your audience. Try not to isolate your name into too small of a niche that limits your ability to target new audiences. Some of the most popular brand names on TikTok like Vessi, Gymshark, and Crocs have similar traits in that they are easy to remember and don’t isolate the brand in too small of a niche.
Short length
Many of the top names are short and two syllables or less and are very easy to remember. A good way to keep your username short is to incorporate some elements of your name. Your first name helps people identify a name with a face, and with how visual TikTok is, having a personal touch behind your account is a good idea. Names like @willsmith, @spencerx, and @therock have a personal touch and are relatively short.
Think long term
interests may change over time so make sure you try to think of a name that you can grow with. While 60% of the average age of TikTok users is between 16-24, more businesses are starting to use the platform as they build out additional features while TikTok is a fun social platform, try not to choose a name that you will be embarrassed to use as you get older.
Pick a name that scales
Another good TikTok username idea is to choose a name that has the ability to scale into other niches if you want to expand your audience reach. Most popular TikTokers are known for a particular skill or personality and you will want to make sure your name doesn’t isolate you into a niche that is too small.
For instance, if your name is Julie and you love to dance, the name “JulieDance” is one that you may grow out of if you ever lose passion for dancing.
Identify your target audience
If you plan on building a large following on TikTok you will want to think about your target audience and see if you can come up with a username that can resonate with them. A good way to find username ideas is to browse forums like Reddit or Quora to see if you can find slang words that are used frequently.
Study influencers on other platforms
TikTok is one of many platforms that creators use to grow a following with the hopes of monetizing it. Be sure to check out other social media accounts like Twitch, Roblox, or Snapchat to see if you can get any ideas for your TikTok profile.
What to do if a TikTok username is taken
Add a number
Adding a number before the end of a username is a good way to keep your TikTok username short. A quick look through the top 100 most popular TikTok names will show you that having a number in your username is common. Here are a few name examples with numbers:
- Junya1gou
- Homm9k
- Riyaz14
While these accounts are extremely popular, their usernames don’t do the best job of integrating a number into them. The numbers 2 or 4 can sometimes be integrated into names and be used in a way that makes the name easier to remember. Here are a couple of examples:
- Foodie2go
- Gamer4you
Misspell a word
TikTok is a fun platform so you really don’t need to worry about having the most punctual name. Misspelled names are commonly used and it is not a bad idea if you can find one that is easy to remember and relatively short.
TikTok influencer Liza Koshy’s username is “lizzza” and is a fun twist on her real name. She probably chose that name because “Liza” was already taken.
Use a random username generator
A great idea if you are hitting a wall with coming up with a good username is to use a resource like a TikTok name generator if the name you want is taken. While you may be disappointed that your first choice may be taken, most of the name generators can probably help you come up with a free TikTok name
Tips for creating a TikTok username
Choose a name that is available on other social media sites
It is very common to be scrolling on Facebook or Instagram and come across a video that was shared from a TikTok profile. TikTok does a great job of making it easy to integrate videos into other social media apps, so a good idea is to try to come up with a username that can have the same handle for all of the popular sites. This way followers that maybe don’t have a TikTok account will be able to view your content and you will be able to create a broader reach.
Think of an aesthetic username
Let’s face it, TikTok is a lot about image, and coming up with an aesthetic username will help make your short videos stand out. Here are some ideas that could be used in a word combination to help come up with the best username:
- Coral
- Iris
- Violette
- Magenta
- Blossom
- Cloud
- Sky
- Dream
Get a custom e-mail address
If your TikTok account ends up becoming successful there will be opportunities to monetize through a variety of promotional methods. You will want a professional address with your username included into the name if possible. Google Workspace is a great resource if you want to create your own custom gmail address.
How do you get followers fast on TikTok?
The best way to get followers quickly on TikTok is to post quality content and target one niche. If you tailor your content toward one audience you are more likely to get shared and amongst that community. Once you have identified a target audience it will also help you produce content that is designed to provide value for them vs. for the masses.
There are also some detailed tutorials on YouTube from influencers that have launched successful TikTok channels that have some great ideas as well.
How do you customize the TikTok username font?
There are several free TikTok fonts generator sites that can come up with snazzy fonts that can help your name stand out in a crowded market
Can you scrape data from Tiktok?
Yes, there are options to scrape TikTok data and Github is a great resource to find open-source software options for TikTok data scraping.

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